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The Pot at the End of the Rainbow

The Pot at the End of the Rainbow

Happy Friday!!   And  Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today, as we celebrate this day (whether or not we have any Irish ancestry), many of us think about luck, riches, and finding that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But let me tell you something:...

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Is this all there is?

Is this all there is?

Carol's eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun peeked through her bedroom window. She let out a deep sigh and buried her head in her pillow. Another day, another routine. She couldn't help but wonder, "Is this all there is?As she lay there, staring...

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Valentine’s Day – A 3-Course Dinner

Valentine’s Day – A 3-Course Dinner

Earlier this week it was Valentine’s Day. Hubby and I rarely go out on Valentine’s Day, as we have found in the past that restaurants are usually too busy and hence the staff overworked and really don’t want to be there. We found the service rushed...

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Special Occasion Entertaining

Special Occasion Entertaining

With Valentine’s Day only a few days away, I started to consider what I might do for a special dinner. We rarely go out on the actual day as we often find the food and service are less than perfect, as the entire staff is overworked and very busy....

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I bet you need help.

I bet you need help.

In today’s busy world, we seem to be constantly pulled from pillar to post with barely the time to stop and take a moment for ourselves this can often lead to feelings of overwhelm and frustration. Recently, our televisions have been filled with...

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Why Can’t I Manifest Money??

Why Can’t I Manifest Money??

Why Can't I Manifest Money?? Hint: It's because you might not be asking for the right thing 🙂 You have read all the books and blog posts.  You have made your vision board.  You have said your affirmations regularly.  All this and ...crickets :(...

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Holiday Time :)

Holiday Time 🙂

Any travel through this CoVid time is a challenge, but we had decided that we did need a break but we would need to stay within our home state of Queensland.  At Easter we usually are able to take the Thursday before and the Tuesday after Easter to...

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Hello December !!

Hello December !!

December!! For some people the mere thought of this time of year brings on a level of stress. The busy holiday season, extra expenses and the prospect of deciding on what the New Year might bring. For me, December is a planning month (along with...

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I Love this quote. "Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, she became a Butterfly" It says so much about the past and the future. It is good to remind ourselves that no matter what happens in our lives, surely there is beauty to come....

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Being True to Your Dreams.

Being True to Your Dreams.

My version of self-employment   This week I made the decision to close one of my businesses that was, quite frankly, just not performing. It is hard to explain people who are not, or have not been in business very long, how freeing letting...

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My Top 3 Tips For Living Your 10/10 Life.

My Top 3 Tips For Living Your 10/10 Life.

1: KNOW what your ideal life looks like Dream, really image yourself living your ideal life. What does it look like? Who is in it? Where do you live? What do you do every day? You need to be REALLY specific here.Start from the moment you open your...

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How to be Friends with your Money

How to be Friends with your Money

What is your relationship with your money? Do you have a feeling of dread that there is never enough? or do you rejoice and welcome the possibilities that every dollar can provide? I am sure you have guessed by now, that I love my money, I welcome...

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How Much Money Do You Need?

How Much Money Do You Need?

How much money do you need?An interesting discussion recently on this subject with a group I am in.Now of course the whole philosophy behind my life and, indeed, this blog, is that I don't aspire to be financially a gazillionaire.Sure, I want to be...

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3  Steps  Ebook

3 Steps Ebook

Hi There, Are you happy with where you are in life right now? Or, do you wish life was.. well..MORE? Everyone has different goals and dreams
 Some are trying to change the world

others just want to settle down and live a long healthy life with the...

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Achieving Life Balance

Achieving Life Balance

Ahh the elusive subject of “Balance”  It can start out with such good intentions and quickly spiral out of control and, before you know it, you are back to square one. Often your life might seem like a never-ending game of “Snakes & Ladders”....

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Morning Routine

Morning Routine

Morning..,. I admit it, I am a morning person, and I know some of you might hate me right now:) I know that for many people, the mere thought of morning brings feelings of dread and panic. However, for me, mornings are the time I get some “me”...

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New Year – New You

New Year – New You

OH NO!! you might be thinking that this is yet ANOTHER New Years Resolution post.   It is not!! In fact I don’t “do” resolutions.  As most of you know, resolutions are easily made, but seldom kept, with most being broken by the first...

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Friday Night “Eat In”

Friday Night “Eat In”

You may remember that last Friday, I made the decision to create a restaurant style meal each Friday night. I had the week to think about it and ponder over what was in the fridge and freezer.  This what I came up with. Salmon Wellington with Lemon...

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Staying Fit as We Age

Staying Fit as We Age

As a "middle aged" lady, I do try to keep myself fit-ish.  I no longer go to Gym. I was a member of Curves for a few years but the fees kept rising and our local center changed hands and the opening times were not a "work time friendly" for me. ...

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Getting $#!T Done – A 5 Day Challenge.

Getting $#!T Done – A 5 Day Challenge.

I posted recently that my friend had commented on how I manage to always "Get $#!T Done" (You can read the post here) I promised to put together a 5-day challenge that will help you set goals, break them into tasks and achieve your ideal life and...

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Stroganoff Meatballs

Stroganoff Meatballs

Cheats "sort of" Strog. We are in the process of running down our freezer in preparation for 3 weeks away.    (while we are away, I will unplug the freezer and let it completely defrost, then give it a good clean out in the new year) I have been...

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How much Tax do you REALLY pay??

How much Tax do you REALLY pay??

“Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” - Benjamin Franklin 1789 In many business forums and groups I am a part of, the topic of paying taxes often comes up. Our account told me a loooong time ago that, as a business owner, tax is a good...

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Light Healthy Breakfast.

Light Healthy Breakfast.

I have (again) decided I need to lose a few kg's. I really do not bother too much about my weight, and do stick to a fairly healthy diet, but I know I have been a bit slack lately.  Tripping up and back 400kms to see my Mum has seen me not eating...

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Raining Money

Raining Money

The whole concept of "Sunshine Cash" is the total opposite of "Saving for a Rainy Day"   It is, of course, important to save an emergency fund for unforeseen events, but (in my opinion) to have money in the bank for money's sake is just not...

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Not Zero Days

Not Zero Days

Make everyday a "Not Zero' day I came across the concept of "Not Zero Days" this week.  WOW what a revelation.!! The idea of a Not Zero Day is that whatever you are planning to do, whatever your goal is just do SOMETHING toward it everyday....

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Back from a mini break.

Back from a mini break.

Did you see my post a while back about having a weekend away? (if you didn't...it is here  ) Hubby and I had a great break, one that was most needed. We have been crazy busy for the last 3 months ( with not much end in sight) so while we...

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Mind Movies

Mind Movies

I recently found an awesome site. http://www.mindmovies.com/ The idea of a mind movie is to take thehumble vision board a step higher. By making a movie or even a powerpoint presentationyou create a moving visualisation of your desiresand project...

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More about ACTION I have been doing a far bit of reading about what ACTION means for and Abundant life. I have concluded that Action must be deliberate and considered. Many people point out a duck or swan
sitting calm on the surface but paddling...

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Action !!!

Action !!!

Action!! I have been listening to Bob Proctor’s “Success Principles” CD’s this week. I will share with you the lesson of ACTION!! As Bob points out in this lesson, we cannot have the abundance we seek without action.  We need to have the idea and...

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Reality Check

Reality Check

Once in a while the universe will give you a serious reality check. This week the universe made me realize that I am truly blessed witha life at all. After returning from a memorial service for a young friend of ours whosadly passed away at just...

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Making the vision real.

Making the vision real.

Following on from yesterday’s post about belief,  I find that a vision board helps me focus on how I imagine my abundance and helps me truly believe in what I am inviting. I have been making “vision boards” in some form for years before i knew what...

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What is “Abundance”

What is “Abundance”

That is the loaded question 🙂 According to the dictionary... .–noun 1. an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. 2. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. 3. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of...

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What is Sunshine Cash?

Many of us have been raised with the idea of "saving for a rainy day", so we diligently squirrel away savings for a disastrous event.

While it is important to have a safety net backup, "Sunshine Cash" is the complete opposite 🙂 It is the money to have FUN with, money to burn, money to enjoy, and money to LIVE.

It is the formula that has seen me "Rise to Rich" and I can help you do the same.

Where to now?
Join me on the Sunshine Cash journey. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for tips and hacks to create YOUR best life.

Oh! Please do comment on my posts. I love to know if something resonates with you, or how you do things differently. I love to hear your stories.

Create YOUR Ideal 10/10 RICH Life