A Wrap-up of 2022 and a Plan for 2023

2022 has proven itself to be my “annus horribilis” with a number of serious health complications raining down on our family. Thankfully we have reached the other side of it with some sort of normality and life continues – albeit with some changes.
The year has disappeared in a blur of doctors’ appointments, hospital visits and LOTS of stress.
We made the very tough decision to sell our dream block of land in Hobart, Tasmania. We will still retire to Tasmania but with a different plan that we have not fully formed yet
I CAN be grateful that we were able to travel and were able to see our gorgeous grandsons TWICE this year. As much as it is super fun Facetimeing 5&3 year olds, nothing beats “Nana Cuddles”
All in all, I can be thankful for every moment good and bad. I can be intentional in closing off 2022 and be ready to face 2023 with renewed optimism and joy.
My word for 2023 is “SPACE” space for me to…
- breathe
- relax
- connect and just
- BE!!
I have planned a number of catchups with friends, weekends away and plenty of “me time” ( how long has it been since I had a massage??)
What are your plans for 2023?
Why not complete the “Life Audit” to see where your life is at right now and give yourself some hints on what to address this year.