Today is my birthday 🙂
While I am not quite “Three Score Years and Ten” yet, any birthday does make you contemplate the past.
Quite a few years ago, I came across a list of 100 questions to give older family members to answer. By answering these questions, you may gain a deeper understating of your relative’s life.
At some point I will do this excercise for myself and create my own book ( maybe in time for my 70th birthday?)

You can download the questions here…
100 Questions.pdf
I gave these questions to my Mum and, well, she went above and beyond and wrote a whole book!!!
I had the (very large) file she sent me turned into a hard covered book and got copies for the whole family.  The family were then presented with the book on her 70th birthday.
Over the last few weeks I have been organising my computer’s hard drive and I came across the file. I had not read through it for a while, and it was fun to skim back over it.
You can download her book here...
or click on the image below.