Is this all there is?

Is this all there is?

Carol’s eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun peeked through her bedroom window. She let out a deep sigh and buried her head in her pillow. Another day, another routine. She couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this all there is?

As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of restlessness that had been nagging her for months. She had an OK job, a passable income, a mostly loving family, and a few close friends, but something was missing.

She longed for more meaning, purpose, and excitement in her life. She wanted to find her passions, explore new places, meet new people, and make a difference in the world. But she didn’t know where to start, after all, high flying dream lives surely needed a higher salary than she would ever see.

As she got up and prepared for another day of work, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of resignation and boredom. She knew she had to pay the bills, meet the deadlines, and attend the meetings, but it all felt so meaningless and empty.

She wondered if anyone else felt the same way. She wondered if there was a way out of this hamster wheel of routine and monotony. She wondered if there was more to life.  A fear of failure and judgment held her back, she should resign herself to being “Carol -wife, mother, sister, friend” and not dream “above her station” 

Dropping the kids off at school, she was thinking about her sister, Sally, when the phone rang in the car. It was Sally.  It was funny how often that happened, but it helped fill in the 30minute commute.

After a couple of minutes chatting, Carol said to Sally…

“Listen, I need to talk to someone about how I’ve been feeling lately. I don’t know, I just feel like something is missing in my life, you know? I have a good job, a decent income, and some amazing people in my life, but I feel like there should be more to it than just going through the motions.

I mean, what’s the point of it all? Why do we work so hard and sacrifice so much just to live a “blah” life? I know I have dreams and passions that I want to pursue, but I’m so scared of wasting time and money or worse disappointing everybody that I haven’t even tried.

I just feel so stuck and frustrated. I don’t want to settle for a life that’s just okay. I want to wake up every day feeling inspired, motivated, and happy. Is that too much to ask? I don’t know, maybe I’m being too idealistic or selfish.

But I can’t help but wonder if there’s more to life . I want to make a difference, explore new things, and be true to myself. Do you ever feel that way? Like you’re meant for something more, but you don’t know what it is or how to get there?”

By now, Carol was a little teary, and Sally could tell she was upset…

“Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been feeling the same way lately. It’s like we’ve been following the script of what society expects us to do – go to school, get a job, pay the bills – but we haven’t really questioned whether that’s what we really want or need.

It’s normal to have doubts, but we can’t let them hold us back from at keast trying our passions and dreams. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and ask what brings us joy and fulfillment, and what we want to leave behind.

I think it’s great that you want to make a difference and be true to yourself.

Have you heard of the Rise to Rich course? It’s a program that helps people like us to discover our purpose, clarify our goals, and create a roadmap to our ideal life. I’m thinking of getting. Maybe we can do it together and see where it takes us?”

By the time Carol reached work, she and Sally had planned to meet later that evening and go through the course and, together, map out their futures.   For the first time in ages, Carol felt optimisic for the days ahead.



Hi There 👋👋

Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom. 🤗

I want you to know that a rich life can be your reality. Know that abundance is your birthright and is not set aside for “those people”

You deserve a rich life and I can help you plan it out.

That’s why I am excited to offer you my step by step roadmap to create your ideal life. Explore the shifts, tips and tools you need to RISE to the life you have always imagined.

So, take a deep breath and click on the image on the left or HERE  to take the first step on your path to  RISE to RICH.

A Wrap-up of 2022 and a Plan for 2023

A Wrap-up of 2022 and a Plan for 2023

2022 has proven itself to be my “annus horribilis” with a number of serious health complications raining down on our family.  Thankfully we have reached the other side of it with some sort of normality and life continues – albeit with some changes.

The year has disappeared in a blur of doctors’ appointments, hospital visits and LOTS of stress.
We made the very tough decision to sell our dream block of land in Hobart, Tasmania.  We will still retire to Tasmania but with a different plan that we have not fully formed yet

Mostly I managed to keep it all together, but at times I have NOT felt I have been living my best life. 🙁

I CAN be grateful that we were able to travel and were able to see our gorgeous grandsons TWICE this year.  As much as it is super fun Facetimeing 5&3 year olds, nothing beats “Nana Cuddles”

All in all, I can be thankful for every moment good and bad.  I can be intentional in closing off 2022 and be ready to face 2023 with renewed optimism and joy.

My word for 2023 is “SPACE”  space for me to…

  • breathe
  • relax
  • connect and just
  • BE!!

I have planned a number of catchups with friends, weekends away and plenty of “me time” ( how long has it been since I had a massage??)

What are your plans for 2023?

Why not complete the “Life Audit” to see where your life is at right now and give yourself some hints on what to address this year.

What is Sunshine Cash?

What is Sunshine Cash?

What is “Sunshine Cash”?

The whole concept of “Sunshine Cash” is the total opposite of “Saving for a Rainy Day”

It is, of course, important to save an emergency fund for unforeseen events, but (in my opinion) to have money in the bank for money’s sake is just not necessary.

In no way would I EVER advocate spending more than you have, but cash is there to be spent. ALWAYS pay your bills first, then allow funds for savings and general “adulting” then allow some “Sunshine Cash” for just having fun.

My Story..

I have been on this planet for 50-something years now and have learnt a lot in that time ( as we have all) Some of the lessons I have taken to heart and have created a happy content life that is MY version of pretty damn good 😊 All while NOT “keeping up with the Jones’ (or the Kardashians)

I vividly remember as a child, the excitement of the big Saturday paper.  Mum would read the lifestyle, cooking and fashion liftouts, Dad would have the news and sport, my brother would race for the comics and I just LOVED the ad catalogues.

The  JOY of browsing each page and tenderly touching images of items that seemed only for the “rich”.  With my hands on an image, I could close my eyes and imagine exactly what it would be like to have that thing. The way I felt, the touch,  the sounds, the smell.  Ahhh bliss!!

Little did I know that I was manifesting my ideal life even as a youngster.  I always knew what my ideal life looked like.

My life is not “frugal” in the traditional sense of some ( I do not scrimp on every penny) Instead, I know what my ideal life looks and feels like and actively work toward that goal every day.

Over the years I have been told MANY times how “Lucky” I am and my answer has always been “I worked bloody hard to be this lucky” The truth is though… I am LAZY 😊 I actually don’t like to work too hard, but I do work hard for my money and I expect my money to work hard for me.



I Love this quote. “Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, she became a Butterfly”

It says so much about the past and the future. It is good to remind ourselves that no matter what happens in our lives, surely there is beauty to come.

Did you ever wonder what ACTUALLY happens to that caterpillar in her quest to transform into that gorgeous butterfly? I did, so of course I Googled it. OMG I tell you I have a whole new respect for the MASSIVE transformation that happens.

You can check it out here

With the work we will do in the Rise to Rich course, I promise you it will be just as transformational, but you won’t need to turn to soup to come out other side 🙂


How Much Money Do You Need?

How Much Money Do You Need?

How much money do you need?
An interesting discussion recently on this subject with a group I am in.
Now of course the whole philosophy behind my life and, indeed, this blog, is that I don’t aspire to be financially a gazillionaire.

Sure, I want to be a princess but there are a whole lot of factors that are brought up around being financially rich.

I enjoy working but have no wish to do it for 100 hours a week. I also love travelling, but when we are away for an extended period of time, it is lovely to get home.

So, how much money DO you need?

To answer this question, I believe you need to know first how much your ideal 10/10 life would cost.
Once you have that, it is a simple case of working backwards to obtain an annual income level.

I guarantee you it will NOT be as high as you might think.

I have adapted a budget planner to be an “Ideal Life” calculator. Why not try it out and see for yourself what YOUR ideal life costs.

You can get a copy for your own ideal life here… ( or click on the images below)

I see many people say if they had unlimited money that would travel all the time…BUT have a think about it, when you go on holiday, how long does it take you to start yearning for home, friends and family?

Others say they would eat out a lot..but again, would you really? what would that do to your waistline and health? It is fun to play with this calculator but be realistic to your own life as well.

Many of the things you really want from your ideal life are probably not financial, but time based. I want to spend a lot more time with the grandkids, but as they are in school so we can really only visit on school holidays and only if they are not going away on their own adventures.

A fundamental cornerstone of my Rise to Rich course is my RISE Audit to determine where your life is at right now, and then diving deeper into the RISE Plan to fully map out exactly what YOUR 10/10 life looks like.

Check it out here

4 Simple Rules to Create a RICH Life

4 Simple Rules to Create a RICH Life

When you think of RICH does the image of money and wealth immediately spring to mind?  For most people it does, but did you know that the dictionary has many definitions of the word RICH and only one has to do with actual money.

However, by following these 3 simple rules, you can become financially rich.

Rule Number 1:  Do Not Live Above Your Means.
I think everybody knows their income should be higher than their spending to be able to achieve financial stability. Certainly, my philosophy of making my cash work hard for me has been the cornerstone of creating my “Sunshine Cash” lifestyle

Rule 2: Save Up and Invest
Again the common thinking is to save the balance between your income and outgoings and invest to create further income.  Planning income for your future self is a wise decision if you do not to be still working 9-5 well into your 80’s.

Rule 3:  Improve on Rules 1 & 2.
It is easy to plan and budget your expenses. The issue comes in the practice.  So many have the greatest intentions only to slip back to bad habits in a month or two.  It is VITALLY important to keep checking in with yourself and keep yourself on track to achieve your long term goals.

Rule 4:  Do Not Apply These Rules to Just Your Money.
To have a truly RICH life, every area of life needs to follow the first 2 rules.
Let’s see how this can be applied to the 8 life areas..


Life Area Rule 1:

“Do Not Live Above
Your Means”

Rule 2:

“Save Up and Invest”

Financial Wealth Spend less than you Earn Save and Invest the left over money after expenses
Home and Environment Have a home that suits your lifestyle Maintain your home to keep it in good condition.
Family & Friends Have hundreds of “Friends” Nurture and protect true friendships that see you through thick and thin.
Romance / Partner Be too busy to give your partner time. Taking them for granted Taking time to connect on a personal level often to keep the spark alive.
Health & Wellbeing Overeat and don’t exercise Have regular check-ups with health professionals.
Career & Business Jumping from one job to the next often. Creating a long term career that creates job satisfaction.
Personal Growth Being constantly stressed and busy Allowing some “Me Time” to create balance and unwind.
Fun & Recreation Being constantly stressed and busy Finding time to have fun, engage in a hobby or just relax with friends

Take some time and consider how can you apply the 2 rules to your life in all areas.

If you want to explore deeper how YOU can create your RICH life.    Check out my Rise to RICH course.