I have been doing a far bit of reading about what ACTION means for and Abundant life.
I have concluded that Action must be deliberate and considered.
Many people point out a duck or swan…sitting calm on the surface but paddling madly underneath. The analogy seems to mean that active, successful people are actually in a mad turmoil. I see this as incorrect.
If you were actually LOOK at a duck or swan their webbed feet move in a deliberate, considered way.
Look at this clip to see what I mean.
“I have made a decision this week that I THINK about what I have to do to move towards abundance, and ACT in a purposeful manner to get there.
Some examples of what I have done….
I have slowed down…. Rather than running around frantically, I have been making a list each day of what needs doing and just got on with doing it!! My NOT multi-tasking I am finding that much more is getting done, and, as I cross things off my task list I feel more motivated to keep going.
I have taken some time for myself too…… On my task list is LUNCH.. way too often I am “too busy” to have lunch and at the end of the day I am cranky, hungry and not in a good place 😠By making myself have 30-60 mins just sitting and having a sandwich and a cup of tea (and getting away from the office and computer screen), I am refreshed and ready to take on the afternoon.
I have looked at my vision board daily and started to live it….On my vision board is a picture of some nice jewellery, my lovely other half pointed out that I already HAVE a heap of nice gold jewellery that I haven’t worn for ages. So I have been wearing it again. I feel more abundant and “like creates like” so by appreciating what I already have, more will surely follow.
What are your Actions towards Abundance???
I think there is something, more important than believing: Action!
“The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.” – W. Clement Stone –
I have been listening to Bob Proctor’s “Success Principles” CD’s this week.
I will share with you the lesson of ACTION!!
As Bob points out in this lesson, we cannot have the abundance we seek without action. We need to have the idea and the vision – but without Action it is not going to happen.
How often do you hear “If only I could win lotto” or “If I just had a better job” etc etc etc. BUT do these people take action to move towards their goals?? 9 times out of 10 the answer is no. Fear and Doubt stop them from being open to the idea that their vision will actually happen..so the lotto ticket doesn’t get bought, the resume’s don’t get sent and life just stays the same.
Focus on your vision…what actions do you need to put in place to allow the abundance to enter your life. Take action now.
Some of my actions have been to create my vision boards and place them where I can see them each and every day..I have even made the wallpaper of my phone my vision board.Sure it is a little hard to make out all the details, but just a glance and I know what it is and what is on it in detail.
Hi There 👋👋
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom. 🤗
I want you to know that a rich life can be your reality. Know that abundance is your birthright and is not set aside for “those people”
You deserve a rich life and I can help you plan it out.
That’s why I am excited to offer you my step by step roadmap to create your ideal life. Explore the shifts, tips and tools you need to RISE to the life you have always imagined.
So, take a deep breath and click on the image on the left or HERE to take the first step on your path toRISE to RICH.
How can I invite abundance if I don’t know EXACTLY what I want.??
Today’s post comes about from a discussion with my husband about abundance. When I asked him what Abundance meant to him he answered “Winning Lotto” This is how the conversation went…..
Me: Great why? Him: Because I would have a million dollars. Me: What for? Him: For whatever I want. (getting cranky now) Me: What do you want? Him: I don’t know….a million dollars Me: But what would you do with it- what would you do – what would you buy? Him: Whatever I want.
Shortly after this…I gave up
LOTS of people do this…have the wish for “something more” but don’t know what that “something” is.
Why?? I think it is the point I made earlier about believing you deserve abundance. My Husband doesn’t actually believe he will ever win Lotto because “People like him don’t win Lotto” so of course he doesn’t.
I KNOW what my abundance looks like. (Made real by my vision board) I have decided that I am going to create many vision boards –one for the big things and kind of like a“sub-boards” off the main board. For example…on my board is a wish to redecorate our unit.I am creating a separate board with the things I see for our unit…the furniture, the appliances the linen on the bed.
This will help further manifest the abundance I want.
Today’s mantra….
I can have my abundance in detail. I can see, taste and feel it all around me.
Following on from yesterday’s post about belief, I find that a vision board helps me focus on how I imagine my abundance and helps me truly believe in what I am inviting.
I have been making “vision boards” in some form for years before i knew what they were. My school diaries were littered with pictures of things I dreamt about. Whether it was a cute new top or my first little bomb of a car.
My current vision board has not been updated in quite some time and to my surprise I have found that pretty well achieved everything on that board. This may explain why I have been flat and feeling without purpose for the past 6 months or so….. I have not invited anything new into my abundance. of course I know i should not be surprised…because that is what vision boards do, they are a concrete, focused way of inviting your dreams.
So my mission today (and the next few days) is to complete an update to my vision board and focus on my dreams.
Abundance will come and my vision board is the material invitation of my dreams.
Today’s mantra is BELIEF I read an article recently that said…
“In order to receive we have to feel that we deserve to receive”
This got me thinking…do I really believe that I deserve true abundance?? I ( like a lot of people) have had friends and family that have tried to squash my dreams and aspirations. After a few decades this is bound to sink in and affect the psyche. How to break the cycle of limiting one’s own dreams??
To affect lasting change in our feelings of worthiness we must allow ourselves to connect with our essential self, that knows beyond all and every doubt that we are deserving of the very best at all times. We must also be ruthlessly honest with ourselves recognising and admitting when we are behaving against our better judgement to seek approval from others or when we are betraying ourselves by giving too much credence to the limiting voices of self judgement in our heads.
My mission today is to re-affirm to myself that I truly deserve the abundance I am inviting.
I AM worthy and I believe that abundance will come.
“The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen” – Frank Lloyd Wright
Many of us have been raised with the idea of "saving for a rainy day", so we diligently squirrel away savings for a disastrous event.
While it is important to have a safety net backup, "Sunshine Cash" is the complete opposite :) It is the money to have FUN with, money to burn, money to enjoy, and money to LIVE.
It is the formula that has seen me "Rise to Rich" and I can help you do the same.
Where to now? Join me on the Sunshine Cash journey. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for tips and hacks to create YOUR best life.
Oh! Please do comment on my posts. I love to know if something resonates with you, or how you do things differently. I love to hear your stories.