Living your best life means something different to everyone, but at its heart, it means living a life true to your values, bringing you joy and fulfilment. It’s about being intentional with your choices and creating a life that you love.
The problem is that many of us feel stuck in our current reality and believe that our dream life is out of reach. We may feel like we’re too old, too busy, or too broke to make significant changes in our lives. But the truth is, it’s never too late to start living your best life.
I understand that change can be scary, but I also know that it’s necessary for growth and progress. That’s why my program is designed to help you make small changes in your life, one step at a time.
Each month, try focusing on a different area of your life, such as your job, money, health, or relationships. I’ll provide you with the tips and support you need to make significant improvements in that area of your life.
For example, if you are focusing on health, you may look for exercise routines, healthy eating habits, and ways to reduce stress. If you’re focusing on relationships, you will find tips on communication, peace making (and keeping), and building stronger connections with your loved ones.
Now, let’s talk about the idea that you need a big salary to live your dream life. While financial stability is important, it’s not the only factor that determines your happiness and fulfilment in life. In fact, research has shown that once you reach a certain level of financial security, more money doesn’t necessarily lead to more happiness.
I believe that true wealth is measured by the quality of your life and the experiences you have. That’s why I designed Rise to Rich to help you create a life that helps you map out YOUR 10/10 ideal life that brings you joy and fulfillment, regardless of how much money you make.
At the end of the day, what’s most important is that you’re living a life that makes you happy and fulfilled. It’s not about how much money you make or what you do for a living – it’s about creating your best life.
In conclusion, if you’re feeling like there’s something more out there for you, know that you’re not alone. Many of us have felt that way at some point in our lives. But the good news is that you don’t have to settle for a life that doesn’t fulfill you. By taking action and implementing some of the tips and strategies shared in this post, you can start moving towards the life you’ve always dreamed of. Remember, it’s never too late to start living your best life.
Start today, take it one step at a time, and trust the journey. Your best life awaits you!
Today, as we celebrate this day (whether or not we have any Irish ancestry), many of us think about luck, riches, and finding that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But let me tell you something: true richness comes from within.
You see, you can never create a rich life by talking or thinking about your lack of something – no matter if it is money, love or time. Negative thinking that focuses on what you don’t have will only keep a rich life beyond your reach.
So, let’s make a commitment to dwell on abundance and gratitude instead! Celebrate what you DO have.
I encourage you to make a daily gratitude list. When you allow riches to flow through your experience, you will find that all the things you thought the lottery or a pot of gold would bring you will come to you naturally.
If you want to prosper, you must use prosperity thinking. To help you get started, I have some green and prosperous affirmations for you to practice:
My income is enough.
I prosper wherever I turn.
Today is a great day. Riches come to me in unexpected ways.
I give myself the green light to go ahead, and joyously embrace life.
Green means “go,” and I choose to go for all the good life has in store for me.
I support others in becoming prosperous, and in turn, life supports me in rich ways.
I am now willing to be open to the unlimited richness that exists everywhere.
I live in a loving, abundant, harmonious Universe, and I am grateful.
I deserve the best, and I accept the best now.
All is well and I am safe.
So, let’s remember that grateful thinking is what brings richness into our lives. Let’s focus on abundance and positivity, and watch as all the good things we desire come our way.
In today’s busy world, we seem to be constantly pulled from pillar to post with barely the time to stop and take a moment for ourselves this can often lead to feelings of overwhelm and frustration.
Recently, our televisions have been filled with high-level sports matches including the Australian Open and Test cricket it occurred to me while watching some of the after match interviews that these high-performing individuals definitely do not do it all by themselves. Behind the scenes is a huge team of coaches, strategists, advisors, agents, and partners
Would it all boils down to, is that on game day, the player has just ONE goal that they are completely focused on at that moment.
So what can we learn from this?
I feel as women, we are subconsciously programmed to want to do it all and feel somewhat “less than” if we ask for help.
And of course, there can often be budget constraints after all who can afford to hire a nanny, a house manager, a bookkeeper, and a chauffeur just to do some of the jobs that we as mothers and wives are often expected to do?
Where to start?
Completing my lifestyle quiz might help you uncover the areas of your life that you may be struggling with right now. When the parts of our lives are going really well, we don’t seem to mind added responsibilities, but those struggle areas can seem like job after job and nothing gets done.
Start with the lowest scoring sections of the quiz and ask yourself whether you need help in this area.
There are many ways to get this help without spending a lot of money some examples could be:
Arrange a cleaning-chatting-drinking-dancing day with a girlfriend. Spend a couple of hours at your house and then a couple of hours at her house and in no time both places will have had a good clean and you will have filled your heart with some quality friend time as well
Ordering groceries online can free up a few hours that you can spend with the kids. I know a number of ladies that add items to the shopping list on the app on their phone as they need it throughout the week and then choose the most convenient time to either have them delivered or use the direct–to–boot service to collect from the supermarket.
If cooking and meal planning are chores that you can never seem to keep on top of, have a look at some of the meal delivery services. Often though, I find these to be quite expensive but many of them will have recipe cards available online.
Choose the meals you would like to have if you were getting them delivered, print out the recipe cards add the ingredients to your shopping list and make up your own meal kits.
Most of these recipes are quick and simple and will be on the table within 30 minutes, often quicker than the time it takes to organize who wants what takeaway and get it delivered.
Looking again at the lower scoring sections of the life balance quiz, is there a way you can combine tasks together for example, is quality time with your partner scoring low and also your health ambitions? Ask for help in trying to find some time together to go for a walk or doing an online yoga or fitness class.
Sometimes you may find that tasks responsibility is yours and yours alone and you truly do not have any capacity to complete it in these cases paid help might be the only option but in my experience, I have found most families can find ways to get no cost or very low-cost help within their current networks.
Strangely, this question has popped up a few times on my Facebook feed in the past few days.
I admit when I first saw it a week or so ago, my first thought was Italy. I so enjoyed my time there on tour in 2014. Everything about it, the countryside, the language, the people and of course the FOOD and WINE!!!
But then, after contemplation, I know that I am probably looking at Italy through “holiday tinted glasses” I actually have no idea if it would be a great place to live. I have never looked into jobs, taxation or the level of social care we enjoy here in Australia. I love living in Australia, we are a pretty laid back nation of mostly awesome people and (like Italy) great countryside from the reef to the outback, and some amazing food and wine. What is not to love?
My mother lives about 3 hours north of us in a smallish regional town with a population of around 120000 and I have often said I could easily live there if not for the weather. It is far too hot and humid for me and I do not like living 9-10 months of the year NEEDING air conditioning.
We love living where we do. It is an easy drive to visit most of our family members and a short flight to see the others. However, our selfish dream is to move south to Tasmania. We have purchased our block of land and will build on it next year. The house will be tenanted until we retire and move.
Given that Tasmania is a one-hour drive to the airport and then a 3.5hr flight, we will not have the opportunity to visit often 🙁
In the meantime, I am happy with various webcam footage from the area. This one from the top of Mt Wellington/kunanyi is a firm favourite. Today, for instance, it is a fine and sunny winter’s day here in Qld with a temperature of around 20C. Looking at the webcam I can see SNOW!! Our land looks toward the mountain, and I cannot wait to be sitting on our front deck with a hot cuppa, dressed warmly and looking at the snow in person 🙂
So my final answer as to where in the world I most want to live.. It is Hobart, Tasmania.
Day View across the Derwent RiverNight Time view to Hobart
Hint: It’s because you might not be asking for the right thing 🙂
You have read all the books and blog posts. You have made your vision board. You have said your affirmations regularly. All this and …crickets 🙁
“What am I doing WRONG”? “I seem to be manifesting all sorts of other things, just not the $10,000 that I really want.”
I get asked this question often. A client may have done all the work and has set her intention to buy that elusive “thing” but the money does not come 🙁
You might find that you are receiving all sorts of bonuses from the Universe that you have not picked up on. You might get given tickets to a show you were planning on seeing, or you might win a hamper pack of foodie delights or even just one of those weeks at the supermarket where “everything” seems to be on sale and the checkout total is far less than you expected.
When I receive these kinds of things, I voice my gratitude to the Universe and then decided if I can “pay myself” for them.
eg: If I receive tickets to a show that I WAS already planning on going to, the amount that I was planning to spend, will go into a bank account or off a debt.
The foodie hamper might be used as a replacement for a dinner out or regifted, either way, the dollar value of what I would normally spend will be used as the value of the hamper.
The supermarket savings will mean that the budget has some “wiggle room” or we may choose to redirect those savings into the holiday fund or similar.
If you look at all you receive and be grateful, you might find you are closer than you think to the original dollar figure you asked for.
But …guess what? The Universe rarely gives money for money’s sake. Let’s face it… money is just pieces of paper and metal that we as humans have designated a value to. If you feel you are being given “things” other than the money you think you want, take a step back and reassess.
What is it that you really want? If you are trying to manifest $10,000, what is your plan for that money? Are you actually asking for a new car or a holiday or a new kitchen renovation?
Get specific, you may be surprised just what might be coming.
Here are 3 simple steps to help you manifest what you really want.
Step 1: Get REALLY clear on what you are trying to achieve. It is a Kitchen Renovation? Start a Pinterest Board full of ideas for your ideal kitchen. Visit Kitchen displays to be clear on the pricing of your ideal kitchen. When you are in your current kitchen, imagine what it will feel like when your dream becomes reality.
Step 2: Change your mindset. Don’t dismiss the bonuses that are coming your way. Be grateful and look for ways that these smaller things can be used as value toward your goal.
Step 3: Take ACTIONS that lead to your goal. Get detailed quotes from a builder so you know exactly what you need. Keep an eye out for sales or bonus buys that mean you can either reduce the cost of your new kitchen or upgrade to higher quality for the same price. (I have a friend who ended up with FABULOUS marble splashback feature tiles because they were leftover from a high-end build and listed on Facebook at less than the plain white tiles she was looking at.)
I recently watched an interview with Martha Beck in which she was discussing her new book, “The Way of Integrity: Finding the path to your true self.”
If you have not heard of Martha Beck, she is an American life coach (most famous as being Oprah Winfrey’s coach), sociologist and author. In this book, she explains why “integrity” – being in harmony with ourselves–is the key to a meaningful and joyful life.
In one part of the interview, she mentions that, in many of her studies, when people are asked what they want, they reply with the typical…Nice House, Fancy Car, More time with the kids, Win the Lottery etc.
She then goes on to ask them…“In the quiet of the night, what do you yearn for?”
Over many years she has distilled this down to determine that all of us yearn for just four things – Peace, Freedom, Joy, and Love. (Take your time and let that sink in a bit… Peace, Freedom, Joy, and Love.)
It was with this revelation, I realised that, I too yearn for these and it is my constant work to reach these. For me Freedom is my number one driver. This has shown itself in my desire to have my own business from an early age and “be the boss” Not having to answer to higher management has meant that, while I may have worked equally as hard as my employees, I have had the freedom to choose what hours suit me and my family.
The Love component has been helped by knowing my Love Language and that of the people close to me.
If you have not read the book “The 5 Love Languages” by Dr Gary Chapman – do yourself a favour. The linked website has a quiz to do to determine your Love Languages.
The Joy and Peace factors are achieved in my life by being mindful of clutter around me. I do not cope with dis-order and find myself getting stressed and anxious around clutter.
I am not about to say that my life is perfect – far from it. But using this framework of striving for Peace, Freedom, Joy, and Love is a powerful method.
How do you create Peace, Freedom, Joy and Love in your life? Let me know in the comments.
PS. My “Rise to Rich” course can help you to create the Peace, Freedom, Joy and Love you yearn for by helping you to determine what those qualities look like in YOUR 10/10 ideal life. Find out more here..
Many of us have been raised with the idea of "saving for a rainy day", so we diligently squirrel away savings for a disastrous event.
While it is important to have a safety net backup, "Sunshine Cash" is the complete opposite :) It is the money to have FUN with, money to burn, money to enjoy, and money to LIVE.
It is the formula that has seen me "Rise to Rich" and I can help you do the same.
Where to now? Join me on the Sunshine Cash journey. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for tips and hacks to create YOUR best life.
Oh! Please do comment on my posts. I love to know if something resonates with you, or how you do things differently. I love to hear your stories.