The Problem with Passion.

The Problem with Passion.

In today’s busy world, I see so much written about passion and having to find your passion or purpose in life to get ahead and be successful.

Sadly, we see this “requirement” as early as high school when 13-year-olds are expected to know exactly what courses they are going to do to set themselves up for the rest of their lives.

How many of you are in jobs professions or businesses that align with your 13-year-old self? .. my guess is not many ☹

My 13-year-old self had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up and to be perfectly honest I still don’t.

With the help of teachers and my parents my high school education was quite broad with a number of different subjects that would cover most jobs that were available for an 18-year-old girl that didn’t want to go to university.

In my last year of high school I was sent to a large photographic lab for work experience. While there I met people that would become longtime friends and eventually business associates, but it was not really a passion.

A few years later, I was offered the opportunity to purchase my own store and so my business ownership career began.

When I sold my stores in the early 2000’s I spent a lot of time and even more money trying to decide what I really wanted to do with my life.

In the early 2000’s the internet was most certainly not what it is today and there was not a lot of easily accessible information.  The library had a number of books that I greedily read hoping to find the answer.

Over and over I read the “Secret to Success” is to carve out a niche.  I became more and more frustrated with this concept. What is my niche?  What is my purpose?  I would start blogs, Facebook groups and even businesses based on what I thought was my “greatest passion”.  Sadly, I quickly became bored or distracted and moved on to find the next “greatest passion”

After reading and reading and reading and even more reading, I finally determined that I do not have just one passion, and you know what…


I have many things that interest me and fire my determination to do more.

Often these things seem to be at odds with each other.

For example –

  • I love helping business owners expand their businesses to create more profitable outcomes. I have a knack for being able to spot lost opportunities and can create a solid plan to implement these opportunities within the business with the least amount of cost and upset to current operations

So, it would appear that my passion in that regard is to create more money for spending BUT

  • One of my other passions is almost making a game of how far I can stretch my money.

This does NOT mean being a scrooge or miserly.  Money is meant to be circulated, it does not serve anybody by being trapped in a savings account.

  • Another great passion is food after all who doesn’t love the satisfaction gained from the deliciousness of a perfectly cooked and presented meal? I love gleaning inspiration from café and restaurant menus and creating equally gorgeous meals for my own table and enjoyment.

Sadly though, I do NOT have a passion for exercise, so I do need to keep my food passion in check somewhat.

Perhaps my greatest passion is learning about myself. How do I really think and how can I make myself better?

I truly believe that our greatest gift to ourselves must be a positive mindset, without that positivity nothing else can come to pass.

Whether you call it the “Power of Positive thinking”, “The Secret”, Mindset or just Blind Faith you must believe that you CAN. (no matter what your niche or passion)

I hope I can share each of my passions with you.  In my Free Resource Library, I have a growing list of freebies relating to each niche.

Please keep checking back regularly..

:) It really is the little things.

:) It really is the little things.

My husband suspects I might be just ever so slightly totally bonkers. (In the nicest possible way of course). After 20 years, he is used to my sometimes crazy purchases.

One of the “secrets” to living my perfect life, is to visualise what that life looks like in minute details.  Then I choose an area that is less than perfect and upgrade it closer to my vision.  Of course, some things are not possible to jump from level 1 straight up to level 10, but for the many little things in life that we “make do,” it can be an easy low-cost upgrade.

One of my upgrades this month has been to buy matching coat hangers for our wardrobe.

This was my side of our wardrobe before….

And this is the after…

It just makes me smile with joy every time I look into the wardrobe now. My wardrobe looks “10/10 ” to me, and it was not a huge expense.

I got these coathangers off eBay I chose the one with clips on them so they are useable for any type of clothing.

Raining Money

Raining Money

The whole concept of “Sunshine Cash” is the total opposite of “Saving for a Rainy Day”   It is, of course, important to save an emergency fund for unforeseen events, but (in my opinion) to have money in the bank for money’s sake is just not necessary.   In no way would I EVER advocate spending more than you have, but cash is there to be spent. ALWAYS pay your bills first, then allow funds for savings and general “adulting”  then allow some “Sunshine Cash” for just having fun.

Some call it “Fun Money” or “Splash Cash” or”Splurge Money”

We all work very hard for our money, and yes!! you DO deserve to enjoy some of it.  I am sure you have relished the joy of a fun purchase bought with no guilt.

Spending is not greedy or wasteful, money is meant to be circulated. Your purchase means the cashier has a job, the store owner makes a profit and the whole circle of cash continues. In accounting terms it is even called cash FLOW…cash needs to flow or everything stops.

My greatest ability to have money seemingly rain down is a positive attitude and a good eye for a bargain.  The Power of Positive Thinking, The Secret, The Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Mind Powers and a heap of other “brand names” for a positive mindset are not “Woo Woo” rubbish.  Our minds ability to manifest what it truly wants has been shown over and over again throughout centuries of Human existence.   A simple example of the power of the Law of Attraction is the example that almost everybody has had when looking for a new car.  You decide to buy a red VW Beetle and all of a sudden it seems that every second car on the street is a red Beetle.

The Universe will rarely give you money for the sake of money. Money in itself is just random pieces of paper and metal.  What you CAN manifest is the ability to be able to buy the things you desire. You might get a pay rise or promotion that gives you the amount needed to fund the monthly payment on your red VW Beetle, or the local dealer might be having a great runout sale and you snap up your Beetle at a fraction of the price you originally budgeted for.   This happens so often to me and many of my friends, cannot be simply LUCK.

The other side of keeping a positive mindset about your money is the inevitable blocks we all have around wealth and money in general.  How often have you heard terms like..

  • Filthy Rich
  • Dirt Poor
  • Rich Bitch
  • Greedy Capitalist
  • Gold Digger
  • Sugar Daddy

Many people have a real block around attracting wealth for fear that their friends will not like them anymore, or worse, that their friends will resent them.

I have spent quite a bit of time over the years practising my money language. Instead of saying “I can’t afford that” I will say “I have different priorities right now” or Instead of “OMG That is SOOOO expensive”  I might think “Hmmm I wonder how I can achieve that”

Let’s get into action and manifest more Sunshine Cash!!

Let me know how you go.

How I use vision boards to create my perfect life.

How I use vision boards to create my perfect life.

Do you live your perfect life?

How can I invite abundance if I don’t know EXACTLY what I want.??

Today’s post comes about from a discussion with my husband about abundance.

When I asked him what  Abundance meant to him he answered “Winning Lotto”

This is how the conversation went…..

Me:  Great why?
Him:  Because I would have a million dollars.

Me: What for?
Him:  For whatever I want. (getting cranky now)

Me:  What do you want?
Him:  I don’t know….a million dollars

Me:  But what would you do with it- what would you do
what would you buy?
Him:  Whatever I want.


Shortly after this…I gave up 🙂

LOTS of people do this…have the wish for “something more” but don’t know what  that “something” is.  Why??   I truly think you need to believe you deserve abundance.  My Husband doesn’t actually believe he will ever win Lotto because “People like him don’t win Lotto” so of course he doesn’t.

I KNOW what my abundance looks like. (Made real by my vision boards)

I have decided that I am going to create many vision boards –one for the big things and kind of like a  “sub-boards” off the main board.    For example…on my main board is a wish to redecorate our apartment.
I am creating a separate board with the things I see for our apartment…the furniture, the appliances, the linen on the bed.

This will help further manifest the abundance I want. It also makes me aware of what I want so that is a great bargain presents itself, I can grab it.

Do you use vision boards?  Please post a picture of your board or tell me about how you have manifested “stuff”.


How I live a champagne lifestyle on a lite beer budget.

How I live a champagne lifestyle on a lite beer budget.

I have long admitted to having Champagne taste on a Beer budget, and I have discovered many ways to live the life I want on sometimes very little money.  Whether by earning a bit of cash on the side, or just getting great deals on the products and experiences that make up life in general.  I have found that the niceties of life can usually be found with some creative thinking and female ingenuity.

What sort of things?

My “Champagne taste” extends itself to most areas of my life 🙂  I love good food, nice cars, lots of travel and a quality wardrobe. (mmm Shoes  🙂  )  I have never earned enough to be able to go on wild shopping sprees so I need to be a bit creative to satisfy my wants.

How do I do it?

I am also a great believer in asking the universe for what I want.  I have had vision boards and wishlists since I was a child ..Loooong before “The Secret” made the concept popular.

I hope you will follow along as I post ideas and tips on making the most of your money and start living your own “Champagne Life”.


Mind Movies

Mind Movies

I recently found an awesome site.
The idea of a mind movie is to take the
humble vision board a step higher.
By making a movie or even a powerpoint presentation
you create a moving visualisation of your desires
and project them to the universe.
By watching my mind movie daily,
wealth, joy and abundance will surely manifest itself.
I hope you enjoy my mind movie