Following on from yesterday’s post about belief, I find that a vision board helps me focus on how I imagine my abundance and helps me truly believe in what I am inviting.
I have been making “vision boards” in some form for years before i knew what they were. My school diaries were littered with pictures of things I dreamt about. Whether it was a cute new top or my first little bomb of a car.
My current vision board has not been updated in quite some time and to my surprise I have found that pretty well achieved everything on that board. This may explain why I have been flat and feeling without purpose for the past 6 months or so….. I have not invited anything new into my abundance. of course I know i should not be surprised…because that is what vision boards do, they are a concrete, focused way of inviting your dreams.

Have you read Simple Abundance-A daybook of comfort and joy? Has some great stuff that would fit in well with your journey 🙂