When I asked him what Abundance meant to him he answered “Winning Lotto”
This is how the conversation went…..
Him: Because I would have a million dollars.
Me: What for?
Him: For whatever I want. (getting cranky now)
Me: What do you want?
Him: I don’t know….a million dollars
Me: But what would you do with it- what would you do
– what would you buy?
Him: Whatever I want.

LOTS of people do this…have the wish for “something more” but don’t know what that “something” is.
Why?? I think it is the point I made earlier about believing you deserve abundance. My Husband doesn’t actually believe he will ever win Lotto because “People like him don’t win Lotto” so of course he doesn’t.
I KNOW what my abundance looks like. (Made real by my vision board)
I have decided that I am going to create many vision boards –one for the big things and kind of like a “sub-boards” off the main board.
For example…on my board is a wish to redecorate our unit. I am creating a separate board with the things I see for our unit…the furniture, the appliances the linen on the bed.
Today’s mantra….
I can have my abundance in detail. I can see, taste and feel it all around me.