Make everyday a “Not Zero’ day

I came across the concept of “Not Zero Days” this week.  WOW what a revelation.!!

The idea of a Not Zero Day is that whatever you are planning to do, whatever your goal is just do SOMETHING toward it everyday.

Sometimes we can set ourselves such big tasks that it all just gets to hard and we feel like giving up.

For instance;

Is your goal to do 30 minutes of exercise everyday?  If you jump right in and do that 30 minutes today, you might find you are sore and sorry tomorrow (and the next day) and you really won’t feel like doing it.   Rather than 30 minutes, just do SOMETHING- Not ZERO.  One push up or just a quick 5 minute walk. Just NOT ZERO!!

Is your goal to be saving 10% of your wage?  That might mean that if you do that this week you won’t have the money for that bill that is due.  Instead, maybe save $10 Just NOT ZERO!!

Is your goal to build a new business?  You know you really ought to spend a few hours a day to put some steps in place. When you get home after the 9-5 you are just tired and don’t feel like it.   Instead, do just 15 minutes ( pour yourself a drink – wine beer or coffee) spend that time doing something for your business.  Just NOT ZERO!!

I am really loving this concept.  I always have so much on the go at once, I often get myself overwhelmed and then do a “declutter” of my life and weed out the unimportant stuff. Then I find myself frustrated that I didn’t achieve my goals.

NON ZERO days are now factoring into my schedule.  One of my long held (and scrapped) goals has been to practice Yoga every day.  I have downloaded HEAPS of beginners classes and tried half-heartedly to force myself to do 20 – 30 minutes each day.  It has never become a habit 🙁   Now with the concept of Not Zero Days, I went searching for some 5 minute yoga lessons.  Google showed me heaps of options, but this one caught my eye.  An app for 5 minute workouts.

The app has easy to follow home workout sessions that take no more than 5 minutes. You can choose from Abs, Fat Loss, Butt and Legs, Chest and Arms, Pilates and Yoga sessions, or you can mix sessions together and create your own workout. ( I am currently doing a mix of Yoga and Butt and Legs)   The free starter pack is adequate for quite a while, but it is just so darned easy to find 5 minutes a day (Not ZERO ) that I was more than happy to upgrade to the full package which gives a lot more exercises and the option to track your results.

This same developer has heaps of other 5 minute apps too.  Check them all out here.

What can you do to implement a Not Zero day?