With Valentine’s Day only a few days away, I started to consider what I might do for a special dinner.

We rarely go out on the actual day as we often find the food and service are less than perfect, as the entire staff is overworked and very busy.

I was talking to my friend about it and she sighed and said, “I miss going out to our favourite restaurants, but the budget just doesn’t seem to stretch that far”

I know many people have decided that dining out has become a luxury that is just not happening right now.

So I asked her. ”What if I told you you can bring the restaurant experience to your own home and have that special Valentine’s Dinner that you really wanted?”

Her reply was “It is all too hard to cook nice things at home. I never have the time and the ingredients end up costing more than just going out.”

I set off telling her all sorts of ways to have a romantic dinner with not too much hassle or spending at all.

When we had finished chatting, she said to me “You should write a cookbook”

So… I did !

In this eBook, you will find restaurant worthy meals that won’t break the budget.

Using basic ingredients easily bought from any supermarket, you don’t need to be a Master Chef to whip up a delicious meal.

Gaining inspiration from restaurant menus, it is often reasonably easy to put together a dinner spread that would rival the best bistro.

You may not qualify for a Michelin Star but your bank account will certainly thank you.

Included in the book are multiple ideas for all three courses of a sumptuous dinner and you may well find that the entire meal will cost less than one starter at a fancy restaurant.

So how can you get this awesome eBook?

It’s simple – click here and purchase now for the special price of just $4.99 and it will be in your inbox quicker than you can make a reservation.

I’m confident that you’ll love this cookbook and can’t wait to see the delicious meals you create.  So what are you waiting for?

Click now, make that shopping list and dinner is sorted, all you need to do now is splash out on a nice bottle of wine, organise a babysitter and turn your Valentine’s Dinner into something really special.