What is “Sunshine Cash”?
The whole concept of “Sunshine Cash” is the total opposite of “Saving for a Rainy Day”
It is, of course, important to save an emergency fund for unforeseen events, but (in my opinion) to have money in the bank for money’s sake is just not necessary.
In no way would I EVER advocate spending more than you have, but cash is there to be spent. ALWAYS pay your bills first, then allow funds for savings and general “adulting” then allow some “Sunshine Cash” for just having fun.
My Story..
I have been on this planet for 50-something years now and have learnt a lot in that time ( as we have all) Some of the lessons I have taken to heart and have created a happy content life that is MY version of pretty damn good 😊 All while NOT “keeping up with the Jones’ (or the Kardashians)
I vividly remember as a child, the excitement of the big Saturday paper. Mum would read the lifestyle, cooking and fashion liftouts, Dad would have the news and sport, my brother would race for the comics and I just LOVED the ad catalogues.
The JOY of browsing each page and tenderly touching images of items that seemed only for the “rich”. With my hands on an image, I could close my eyes and imagine exactly what it would be like to have that thing. The way I felt, the touch, the sounds, the smell. Ahhh bliss!!
Little did I know that I was manifesting my ideal life even as a youngster. I always knew what my ideal life looked like.
My life is not “frugal” in the traditional sense of some ( I do not scrimp on every penny) Instead, I know what my ideal life looks and feels like and actively work toward that goal every day.
Over the years I have been told MANY times how “Lucky” I am and my answer has always been “I worked bloody hard to be this lucky” The truth is though… I am LAZY 😊 I actually don’t like to work too hard, but I do work hard for my money and I expect my money to work hard for me.