Strangely, this question has popped up a few times on my Facebook feed in the past few days.
I admit when I first saw it a week or so ago, my first thought was Italy. I so enjoyed my time there on tour in 2014.
Everything about it, the countryside, the language, the people and of course the FOOD and WINE!!!
But then, after contemplation, I know that I am probably looking at Italy through “holiday tinted glasses” I actually have no idea if it would be a great place to live. I have never looked into jobs, taxation or the level of social care we enjoy here in Australia. I love living in Australia, we are a pretty laid back nation of mostly awesome people and (like Italy) great countryside from the reef to the outback, and some amazing food and wine. What is not to love?
My mother lives about 3 hours north of us in a smallish regional town with a population of around 120000 and I have often said I could easily live there if not for the weather. It is far too hot and humid for me and I do not like living 9-10 months of the year NEEDING air conditioning.
We love living where we do. It is an easy drive to visit most of our family members and a short flight to see the others. However, our selfish dream is to move south to Tasmania. We have purchased our block of land and will build on it next year. The house will be tenanted until we retire and move.
Given that Tasmania is a one-hour drive to the airport and then a 3.5hr flight, we will not have the opportunity to visit often 🙁
In the meantime, I am happy with various webcam footage from the area. This one from the top of Mt Wellington/kunanyi is a firm favourite. Today, for instance, it is a fine and sunny winter’s day here in Qld with a temperature of around 20C. Looking at the webcam I can see SNOW!! Our land looks toward the mountain, and I cannot wait to be sitting on our front deck with a hot cuppa, dressed warmly and looking at the snow in person 🙂
So my final answer as to where in the world I most want to live.. It is Hobart, Tasmania.