I saw this quote on Pinterest today as a wall mural.

What a powerful message… Sure life hands us all lemons occasionally, but the mindset to “make lemonade” is an admirable quality, that I try to live to.

When I read this, I was reminded of a friend of mine just recently.  The closure of his bricks and mortar retail store, an impossibly hot Queensland summer week in a house with no air conditioning, bushfires around and just to top it off he and his wife were struck down with Whooping Cough!

It would have been enough to make most people curl up in a tight ball of self-pity.    Instead, this man picked himself up every morning and got on with the DOING.   He has been learning the ropes of online selling and this week, without the restraints of the retail store,  has kicked the proverbial butt.

Online stores have been built, products have been sourced, great images were taken and decent images shot.  The next step, which I have no doubt will happen VERY quickly, is to run a Facebook campaign with the aim of going viral and driving lots of buyers to his products just in time for Christmas.

So not only has he made “lemonade,” I think there might be a good shot of Vodka in that tasty drink too 🙂

He has certainly proven to me this week that while “It is what it is”  with the right mindset “it will become whatever YOU make it”

May we all have the power to do the same 🙂