I have long admitted to having Champagne taste on a Beer budget, and I have discovered many ways to live the life I want on sometimes very little money.  Whether by earning a bit of cash on the side, or just getting great deals on the products and experiences that make up life in general.  I have found that the niceties of life can usually be found with some creative thinking and female ingenuity.

What sort of things?

My “Champagne taste” extends itself to most areas of my life 🙂  I love good food, nice cars, lots of travel and a quality wardrobe. (mmm Shoes  🙂  )  I have never earned enough to be able to go on wild shopping sprees so I need to be a bit creative to satisfy my wants.

How do I do it?

I am also a great believer in asking the universe for what I want.  I have had vision boards and wishlists since I was a child ..Loooong before “The Secret” made the concept popular.

I hope you will follow along as I post ideas and tips on making the most of your money and start living your own “Champagne Life”.