What is your relationship with your money?
Do you have a feeling of dread that there is never enough? or do you rejoice and welcome the possibilities that every dollar can provide?
I am sure you have guessed by now, that I love my money, I welcome it and treat it nicely like I would a trusted friend.
By making money welcome, more will be attracted to you and there will always be enough. Sure, I would like more sometimes, but I very rarely say “I can’t afford that” rather I say “What do I have to do to achieve that”
The act of purchasing anything is always a choice. Even the simple act of buying bread can range from the budget $1.00 supermarket offering up to high end $10 a loaf artisan bread. While I may not buy the artisan bread every day, it is sometimes bought on the weekend as a treat. That artisan sourdough loaf together with slices of good ham and a couple of poached eggs still equates to a far smaller outlay than hubby and I going to a cafe for breakfast.
So how do I do it?
In our personal life, we have been “living on the pension” for a few years now. (you can read about it here)
It is due to this spending plan that we have been able to pay down a huge amount of our debt and will be debt-free (with a luxury car) well before retirement age, which is still over 10 years away for us.
To welcome my money like a friend, I have devised a method of preparation like one might do if they knew a friend was coming to visit and stay a while.
Step 1: Set aside some time to prepare for the visit.
Make a time (I do it monthly) to have a look at balances and spending.
Having an in-depth understanding of exactly what comes in and what goes out each month is VITAL to creating a great relationship with your money.
(As a starting point, try using your debit or credit card for EVERY purchase for a few weeks, I know that sounds against what every “guru” says, but seriously who has the time or inclination to track every cent in a book or app for more than a few hours? Having purchased on a card means you can go back and examine the transaction list and allocate where each dollar has gone.)
Once you have an understanding of your spending habits, you can organise a spending plan to accommodate the lifestyle you wish to have. Note that I called it a Spending Plan NOT a Budget. Budget is a word like Diet in that it has a negative connotation and feeling of lack for many people. So have a Spending Plan and a Healthy Eating plan
Your money will not be a burden if it knows exactly where it is meant to go and what its purpose is.
Step 2: Welcome Money
When you do see money arrive, welcome it with open arms ( or wallet 🙂 ) Don’t dwell on thoughts that it is not enough. Would you open the door to a friend and greet them with “Oh, It is only you, I was hoping for more”?
Step 3: Treat money nicely.
Literally, have a nice purse or wallet to keep money in. It will make you feel abundant every time you remove it from your handbag. Keep your purse tidy, clear out those scraps of paper, old receipts and rubbish. This shows money that it is important and has a clear space to live. Look after bank accounts too, have your emergency money in a higher interest account that means it is working as hard as you are.
These simple things will change your mindset around money and ultimately you will attract more 🙂